Marie-Paule GILLEN will speak at the conference on “AML-CFT, KYC: Customer Due Diligence and transaction monitoring” (LCB-FT, KYC : Customer Due Diligence et transaction monitoring) organized by IFE Luxembourg on the topic of “Blockchain, virtual assets and anti-money laundering obligations” (La blockchain, les actifs virtuels et les obligations en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment).

Principal issues: CSSF, cybercrime, AML, KYC

Transaction monitoring refers to the surveillance clients’ transactions, including the evaluation of information and interactions in client-professional relationships. The goal is to provide a complete picture of a client’s activity. That can concern transfers, deposits and withdrawals. Even if most financial companies use software to automatically analyze that data, the role of Compliance Officer is at the forefront.

What are the new challenges for Compliance Officers?
When faced with AML and know-your-client (KYC) regulatory obligations, highlighted since the beginning of the public health crisis, how does transaction monitoring work?
What are the CSSF’s main issues with respect to that subject?
What must you absolutely know about outsourcing and archiving?

You are invited to participate in this conference scheduled on Thursday, 28 October to decipher the latest news on the topic and receive practical advice from local experts as well as from your counterparts.

Practical information: