Renaud LE SQUEREN, Partner – Avocat à la Cour, will host a webinar on “What are the issues to pay attention to when contracting with a marketplace?” during the E-FORUM 2021 conference on the afternoon of Tuesday, 8 June.
This informational webinar is offered by the Federation, with the support of the CLC (Confédération Luxembourgeoise du Commerce). This initiative was created by Retis, an member.
- 2:00 p.m. Welcome from the organizers: Nicolas GUEUZURIAN (Auchan Luxembourg, co-president & Thomas WANSART (E-FORUM)
- 2:10 p.m. Advice from an expert on e-commerce strategy: Damien JACOB (
- 2:35 p.m. What are the issues to pay attention to when contracting with a marketplace? Renaud LE SQUEREN (DSM Avocats à la Cour)
- 2:50 p.m. How does one best reap the benefits as a seller on a large marketplace? Guillaume RIGALLAUD (Agence Bizon)
- 3:15 p.m. Testimonials from companies selling on international marketplaces/on Letzshop
- 3:45 p.m. Advice from an expert on e-commerce strategy: How does one combine presence on a marketplace with one’s own webshop? Gabriele SIBIO (Powerlab; co-president
- 4:00 p.m. Questions & Answers: Thomas WANSART (E-FORUM)
Practical information:
- Event language: French
- Registration:
- Date: Tuesday, 8 June 2021